Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dept. of Labor

So, we got our yearbooks. They are very cute and I love them! Today we had ** Idol. (** is name of school and since I don't want someone to know it and hunt me cant know it). ** Idol is when the teachers of our school perform by singing, dancing, even marital arts. We had 3 of our old teachers impersonate a group of singers from the 60s, and my old teacher, showed us his Tae-kwon-do. It was great. Then the yearbook staff did a skit to introduce the yearbook. It was dedicated to my FAVORITE teacher! **my economics teacher** It was a great way to end the day!
Tomorrow is Friday..I get to attend Incentive Field Day-I'm getting out of 2 quizzes and not having to listen to Edgar Allen Poe say Bells, bells, bells, it's the bells bells bells. So that's GREAT! Also, tomorrow night is Relay For Life. Whoop whoop!! It's India themed this year, and my friend from India is bringing me a Indian dress thing to wear.
Then Saturday...I'm doing a pre-project with my church. Were building a wheelchair ramp for one of the girls in youth. Sadly, after this I must do my government project on Supreme Court cases. And my best friend is coming over, cause she is my crime.
Hopefully, I'll have time to blog..who knows. Have a great weekend. Maybe it won't storm.


  1. Kool. Sounds like you'll have a nice rest of the week/weekend.
    I went to Relay For Life last year and it was great. I don't think I'll be able to make it to this year's though. Have fun! :)

  2. The yearbook is awesome! Plus, it has the best article EVER...all anout YOU!! :)

    I'm proud of you for giving up so much of your weekend to help others. You're my hero! If you weren't already my daughter I would be forced to steal you away.

    Love, Mom
