Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Here you go mom...

It's been a while since I blogged. I've been very busy though..sorry mom. School is stressful during these last few days, with exams, and teachers trying to get the grades in. I have two exams today and a science test. Ugh! Pray for me please!

In a few weeks, I'll be having my first birthday at home in four years. It's really weird, being able to plan a party, and I'm going to miss my surprise cakes from our youth group. I've been on mission trips during my birthday, and this year we leave the day after. :) So I'm getting a bunch of my closest friends together and were going to Chili's. Yummy!!

Did I mention, I'll be working in the gift shop, at the local children's hospital, that saved my little brothers life. I decided I wanted to give back, so I'm volunteering. It should be fun and I'll work every Monday morning. Plus, it will look good on college applications and scholarships.

This week, I have a few prayer requests: 1) The cop at our school, step-son has a brain tumor and the chemo and radiation are starting to take a toll on him. He is losing his hair, and it's hard. He is only 13. 2) Our youth group will be leaving on a mission trip up north called World Changers in a few weeks. 3) and Exams. Very stressful and over-whelming.

I hope that you all have a wonderful week. Check out Significance Source for Wednesday's prayer meeting.

Monday, May 18, 2009

You see...

It all started when I saw a kid in the youth group with his yearbook. I retrieved the yearbook from the kid, and looked through it with our youth directors wife. When me and Jamie are together we have tons of fun, especially when it comes to school and pictures. :)

Well Aaron (the youth director) went to the youth room, and started making announcements about upcoming projects and services. Me and Jamie continued looking through the yearbook in his office. Aaron, was talking about Youth Sunday, and needed someone to greet the congregation. Of course, I had no idea. So he yells, "Heather, will you welcome everyone?" So you can already guess what I did, I yelled very loudly, "WELCOME EVERYONE TO CHURCH!" Then I hear a sudden outburst of laughter.

So after getting picked on for the rest of church, he approached me with the same question. My response was different this time. I looked at him, and said, unsarcasticly, "Aaron, do you honestly think I will get in front of the whole entire church and welcome them. You know I don't do public speaking!" I got another laugh. *Sigh*

Oh, I love Aaron. And in 2 weeks, I will be welcoming the congregation against my will.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Slow Down Time...

Wow. Only 13 more days, and school is out. I'll no longer a sophomore. I'll be half-way done with high school. I'll be getting my class ring. Be able to go to prom. Be able to drive to school. Wear a blue lanyard. Take my first AP class. I'll be on my way to graduating before I know it, and I'll be gone away for college in 2 years.

Honestly, I want to slow down time. I don't want to grow up. I want to stay right here, this age, forever.

It's weird. I can vividly remember the Honors trip to Washington, DC I went on in 8th grade. Trying out for the middle school cheerleading team, and can remember how everything happened. It seems like yesterday I was stepping into high-school for the first time. Now, I'm about to be half-way done.

I don't like it. I get all sad..I'm actually crying as I right this. I can't seem to imagine myself in college, and not being able to see my parents face everyday. I wish I could slow down time. Yet, when I really think about it, I don't want it to go by slower. I want it to hurry and go faster. I want to be the first in the family to graduate medical school. I want to adopt a child from China. I'm ready for all this to happen, but I'm not.

Maybe I'm getting old. I think that's it. Isn't this what old people do? Sit here, and wish time would slow down. I have 28 days till my birthday. I'm starting to get wrinkles!! (NO LIE! - in between my eyes.) Also, when I walk, I creak (as in all you hear is click click click). Oh, I don't want to be old.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Busy Busy Busy..

This weekend was amazing! It was very busy, but I like busy. Busy is good. I worked constantly this weekend. It was all worth it in the long run though.
Friday was Relay For Life. It was held by my school and another high school in our district. The theme was India and we had a few Indian girls from our school paint henna tattoos. Yes I got one. We ended up raising over $100 (they were $1-5per tattoo). At Relay For Life they do a Survivor lap around the track. I saw this girl about my age. She was in tears, and I realized how blessed I am that I don't have to go through what she does. Be in prayer for her and those who took that walk. They have to live with the fear of the cancer coming back.
Also on Friday was Incentive Field Day. It was something our school just started, but it was TONS of fun! We had wobbly-ball races, water balloon relays and field goals competitions. Of course we could do other things, so me and my friends went to the jumping pit, to build sandcastles. :) We also tried to get to the bottom of the pit, but never reached it. We also had a rough game of Ultimate Frisbee. My new favorite game.
Saturday, I woke up at 7, and headed to the church. We were building a wheelchair ramp at the home of one of the youth. She has Spina-Bifida. She is the sweetest girl. Becky had no idea we were coming to build her a ramp, so when she woke up to us hammering and sawing in her front yard, she got emotional. Then I went to the Lower State Softball Tournament. Our girls softball team is in it. They won. Whoo Hoo!!
Sunday was Mothers Day! But I spent the morning taking care of a few 3 year olds at church. I love kids! They are so fun at that age. Then I worked on a government project all day. So much for spending time with momma.
**Well I hope everyone had a great weekend, and that all the mothers who read this blog had a great mother's day! I'll be back soon with some funny stories from this weekend.**

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dept. of Labor

So, we got our yearbooks. They are very cute and I love them! Today we had ** Idol. (** is name of school and since I don't want someone to know it and hunt me down..you cant know it). ** Idol is when the teachers of our school perform by singing, dancing, even marital arts. We had 3 of our old teachers impersonate a group of singers from the 60s, and my old teacher, showed us his Tae-kwon-do. It was great. Then the yearbook staff did a skit to introduce the yearbook. It was dedicated to my FAVORITE teacher! **my economics teacher** It was a great way to end the day!
Tomorrow is Friday..I get to attend Incentive Field Day-I'm getting out of 2 quizzes and not having to listen to Edgar Allen Poe say Bells, bells, bells, it's the bells bells bells. So that's GREAT! Also, tomorrow night is Relay For Life. Whoop whoop!! It's India themed this year, and my friend from India is bringing me a Indian dress thing to wear.
Then Saturday...I'm doing a pre-project with my church. Were building a wheelchair ramp for one of the girls in youth. Sadly, after this I must do my government project on Supreme Court cases. And my best friend is coming over, cause she is my partner....in crime.
Hopefully, I'll have time to blog..who knows. Have a great weekend. Maybe it won't storm.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Excitement much!

:) so the rumor around school is that we get yearbooks this week. well, we are suppose to, we all saw the big boxes come in today and the yearbook staff wearing their t-shirts. Oh boy!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Climb On!

So not to long ago, we had an inspirational speaker come to my high school. His name was John Beede. Of course we all thought it would be a boring assembly. I would to beg differ! He taught us 4 success strategies. I want to share them with you because they have helped me...

THE CLIMB ON! Strategies for Success
1.Pick a Summit
2. Gear Up
3. Ascend It
4. Leave it Better Than You Found It.

He then had us write down a list of goals we wanted to accomplish. Here are two of mine...1) Get a A in English. 2)Make a A on an English test. English is very hard for me. Well I used these strategies. My Summit was to, well make a A in English and a A on an English test. I geared up by always being prepared. To Ascend, I studied hard, and I always paid attention. And I did the 4th step by helping my English teacher.

Well, we got our grades today....I'm pleased to tell them to you...
*Government Honors(a SENIOR class)- 91% B
*Spanish I-95% A (the highest grade in my class!!)
*Biology I Honors-101% A :) (future doctor in training here)
*Algebra II-96% A (the highest grade out of all my teacher's classes!)
I'M PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT MY ENGLISH GRADE IS A 93!!! THAT'S an A! I jumped up and down you guys! I'm pretty much the happiest girl in the world!
*Oh, and John Beede has a book.... "Climb On!" Its a great book, and he gets the points across by a story. You can buy a copy on his website.*

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Stupendous Saturday

It all started when I woke up this morning. Like most Saturday's, I went to my parents room and laid in their bed. I looked at my dad, and asked, "Where did you go this morning?" He looks at me, "A helicopter crashed in the woods in front of the house. We had to go help save the passenger and put out the fire." My wonderful mother says, "Yeah, I cant believe you didn't wake up, the house shook and the news was here. All 4 fire stations were here!" I ran to the front door, yelling to the twins what happened and we bolted through the front door.

I stomped back to there room, and they are laughing. I was all upset, I had even texted my friend, telling him what had happened. Well, there was no helicopter crash, just a carbon monoxide leak up the street. Being so gullible is totally a disadvantage. So, then I guess they felt bad because we had delicious pancakes for breakfast.

The twins and I went swimming today. It's finally hot enough. We played Scattergories, and I taught them how to do backflips- it was very unsuccessful. So we decided to kill each other with huge waterguns. Well, they never got it from me. We ended up shooting the water in the sky and tried not to get hit when it came down. Ryan brought down a big cooler filled with ice. I was curious to know what would happen if we put the ice in the pool. Needless to say, the water got even colder, and we had to get out.

Well the grandparents are here and we're about to grill out (PORK!! swine flu. eek!) Hope you enjoy your weekend!