Monday, August 10, 2009


Hello everyone! Sorry its been a while but I have been so busy. :) So, Friday I had a interview at the Childrens hospital for TeenBoard. Its a volunteer board for teenagers, its all year round too. You get to decorate the hospital for Christmas, and trick or treat. I find out if I get on it this week. Im very excited.

Also, I have the best father in the whole entire world!! I love him so much. He surprised me yesterday with a shopping spree for school! The best part was, I got to do it with momma. Which is a big deal because I almost didn't get to and I cant shop with out my mother! We had so much fun, and I did a good job with the money I had. I got 5 shirts (from American Eagle, Hollister, Aeropostale) which is really good, considering they are usually expensive. I'm best friends with the clearance racks. Also, I got 3 pairs of paints. Of course they are all from Aeropostale, cause their Short Length Jeans aren't terribly to long on me. However, I tried on a pair of capris and they ended up being jeans. :) I love being short sometimes. I even got my first pair of rainbows!!! I got a pink nike bookbag, and my school supplies. I still need a few more things, but I still have a few days left.

I start school Monday. Ill be a junior. :) oh yeah! but right now, I'm being the substitute 6th grade teacher for 2 twin boys, hmm??


  1. I'm really glad I got to take you! I like spending time with my girl! Oh, and you made a very good sub today, thank you!!

  2. Sorry I didn't comment right away, but I just got un-grounded. Long story-not important.
    You better update me on the TeenBoard thing as soon as you get word. :)
